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Delving into the Origins, Values, and Vision

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Property Sales

Expert Advice

Real Estate Consulting

Property Sales

Expert Advice

Real Estate Consulting

Overseeing Rental Properties

Land Development

Marketing Strategies

Overseeing Rental Properties

Land Development

Marketing Strategies


Meet the Team

Helen Leris
Roy Kent
Miranda Best
Helen, Roy and Miranda, the dynamic team behind Real Home, experienced a moment of clarity — the world was craving innovation; a shortage of imaginative designs, a conservative approach by brands, and a strong desire for creativity and elegance.
Fortunately, drawing from their background in the market, they were prepared to tackle this challenge head-on with a bold, can-do attitude, embracing and enhancing the uniqueness of every project. This philosophy now drives Real Home forward as a powerhouse committed to originality and flair in a world yearning for its influence.
Let's Talk Together
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